This is a card that I made at a recent card class that I went to. If you know me very well, you know that I am not really much into the whole Halloween thing. BUT THIS CARD!
I have exclusive permission from my friend and downline, Karen Robinson, to post this card on my blog today. Karen did a wonderful job with coordinating the colors and embellishments for this card.
I love how she incorporated every element of the Magic in this Night Suite. You can find this suite of products on pages 52-54 in the August-December 2020 Mini Catalog.
Let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by. Email me at if you have any questions. Leave me a comment and if you do not have a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator that you currently work with, let me know and I will send you a catalog.
Have a blessed and safe week.

I hope you love the new Mini Catalog and Online Store as much as I do!
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