Ready or not, 2024 is here and I have so much to be thankful for in my life. We have been busy from November through December and family has been my focus. We celebrated with a big Thanksgiving at my brother’s new home, fancy dinners out, looking at Christmas lights, Game nights, watching Christmas themed movies and even had a Grinchmas themed party at my future daughter-in-law’s mom’s home. So much fun was had and I have a ton of pictures, however, I chose just one picture for my post today.

This is my son William with his fiance’ Jessica, me and my daughter Abigail. We are posing in front of the beautiful tree at the Capital Hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas. Shortly after this picture we went to dinner at the Capital Bar and grill where we spotted Santa and Mrs Claus out and about greeting patrons at dinner.
What did you do for the holidays? I would love to hear about it. Drop me a comment or send me an email.
Have a blessed day! Patience
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