Go ahead a take the pictures. No matter if the lighting is bad, kids are upset or whatever the case may be – take that picture! The picture below was a spur of the moment photo before church on Easter Sunday back in 1993. It is a favorite photo of Abbey and her daddy.
How precious a picture becomes
It has become more precious as time has flown by because as some of you know, Stephen, Abbey’s daddy, is no longer here on earth with us. Abbey was blessed to have Stephen in her life for 21 years and 7 months and now is blessed with wonderful vivid memories!

Left Top: Abbey on the front porch swing in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Abbey, You loved that swing!
Middle Left: Abbey making a face at us because she was not getting her way!
Bottom Left: Abbey in 1996 when we could finally afford pictures made at JC Penney! That Hair!
Bottom Right: Abbey in white crib. My parent paid to have professional photos in 1993!
Feature Photo: Senior Year photos. Just absolutely beautiful!

This Girl! She is the one that made me a mom back in 1992! Where we ready for that? Noooooo. And yet, here we are. Happy Birthday Abbey Holt! I hope you remember and cherish the impact you have had on so many lives, including mine, from the first day you arrived and even now, 32 years later.
Being in your 30’s is a great time to look back at your life. Remember your ups and downs, learn from them and start looking forward to your bright future. I am so blessed that God gave me the gift of you and you too can be excited about the blessings the future holds for you.

I love you with my whole heart!
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