I took out my wedding album and fell in love all over again. This man was truly my first love! I long to hear his jokes, his laugh and just his voice. His loss will always be a big life event for me however, now I honor him in every way that I can. James Robert Hart, June 3, 1934 – October 30, 2012.

This is a picture taken at the Masters. Cameras were outlawed and well before smart phones and of course Stephen took in a disposable camera. This photo was one of those priceless photos and one of my favorites. Stephen’s selfie with Tiger Woods! Doesn’t that little smirk just say volumes!

How lucky Abigail and William are to have had a father so special that they miss you so much? and as much as I hate not having you around, I am overjoyed that you are at Peace and your body is whole and I am jealous that you are dancing at the feet of Jesus! We will be together again and our family will be whole.

Stampin’ Blessings
🧡 Patience
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