My daddy went to heaven way too soon. Today is my daddy’s birthday – today would be his 90th! I think of him often and my mind goes directly to my childhood. I remember good and bad times but most of all I remember the family in my life.

Growing up I sometimes thought that I missed out on having a “real” father. My biological father passed away when I was in 5th grade. As the years seem to have flown by tears flow as the many memories are stored in my heart. I realize all the Blessings that God has brought to my life – Giving my mother an honest loving man, giving my brother and I a Daddy to love and take care of us and then later growing the family by blessing us with a little brother.
I miss his dad jokes, I miss him loving my mom and loving life, I miss him working the fields and the danged old tractor!

As a parent, I take the things that my daddy has taught me and try to pass them on. I know that there was never a time that my daddy wasn’t involved in any major happening in my life and even now, I get tearful thinking of all that he has missed. BUT – He is celebrating with our Lord and Savior, he is always there!
Happy Birthday in Heaven Daddy!
Love, Sis!
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